Wah dunia otomotif semakin dilirik oleh perusahaan-perusahaan teknologi komputer. Pabrikan chip Nvidia misalnya, memperkenalkan platform komputer untuk mobil bernama Drive PX dan Drive CX. Dengan Drive PX, pengemudi mobil bisa memanggilnya mobilnya yang sedang parkir untuk mendekat kepadanya hanya dengan melalui smartphone saja.
Saya baca di website resmi Nvidia yang berjudul [ Nvidia Auto Pilot Car Computer ] di situ tertulis yang intinya "NVIDIA DRIVE PX is a Tegra based automotive development platform that transforms how cars see, think, and learn". Drive PX yang dimotori chipTegra X1 terbaru merupakan sistem otomatisasi untuk kendaraan.
Nvidia Auto Pilot Car Computer
Aneka kamera dan sensor yang terhubung dengan Drive PX menurut rencana akan memungkinkan mobil melakukan hal-hal seperti menyetir sendiri (auto-pilot) serta memarkir sendiri (auto-valet), tanpa intervensi manusia sama sekali. Setelah diparkir, mobil bisa dipanggil oleh pengemudi lewat smartphone.
"Kita akan melihat masa depan yang dipenuhi mobil otomatis, robot, dan drone yang bisa melihat dan belajar dengan kecerdasan yang luar biasa," kata CEO Nvidia Jen-Hsun Huang.
Adapun Drive CX adalah sistem komputer yang mendukung aneka tampilan grafis untuk keperluan navigasi, infotainment, instrumen digital, serta monitoring pengemudi.
Chip Tegra X1 yang tertanam di Drive PX dan CX diklaim memiliki kinerja luar biasa dengan kemampuan komputasi lebih dari 1 teraflops. Chip 64-bit dengan 256 CPU core dan pengolah grafis Maxwell ini dibekali program yang bisa mengenali aneka obyek di jalan, seperti rambu-rambu,speed camera, hingga pejalan kaki.
Nvidia's Drive PX 2 is a Super Computer For Self Driving Cars
In order to build self-driving cars, manufacturers need to incorporate three components: software, supercomputers, and deep learning. Building a self-driving car is hard, said Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang during a CES 2016 keynote address. To help manufacturers build a self-driving car, Huang unveiled a new platform that delivers the computational ability of roughly 150 MacBook Pros.
Called the Nvidia Drive PX 2, the platform consists of 12 CPU cores built on a 16nm FinFET architecture, four chips with Pascal GPUs, and eight teraflops worth of processing power. So how powerful is this? Huang said that the Drive PX 2 requires water-cooling to ensure that it doesn't overheat and can perform in any condition and under any environment. The first company to deliver cars with Drive PX 2 will be Volvo, and Nvidia says that more partners will follow.
The reference platform that Nvidia created is called the Nvidia Drivenet. It has nine inception layers, which is nine deep nested neural networks. This is comprised of 37 million neurons. Nvidia is training the network to perceive the things in the world. The network has to be able to recognize things in real-time, and Huang provided examples such as Shazam that can identify songs, and Google's and Microsoft's image recognition software.
Sayang, meski terdengar canggih, masih belum diketahui pabrikan otomotif mana saja yang berminat memakai platform Drive PX dan CX selain Volvo yang terlibat dalam riset. Belum jelas pula kapan produk mobil otomatis ala Nvidia akan memasuki pasaran.
Sumber: Nvidia Auto Pilot Car Computer
Saya baca di website resmi Nvidia yang berjudul [ Nvidia Auto Pilot Car Computer ] di situ tertulis yang intinya "NVIDIA DRIVE PX is a Tegra based automotive development platform that transforms how cars see, think, and learn". Drive PX yang dimotori chipTegra X1 terbaru merupakan sistem otomatisasi untuk kendaraan.
Nvidia Auto Pilot Car Computer
Aneka kamera dan sensor yang terhubung dengan Drive PX menurut rencana akan memungkinkan mobil melakukan hal-hal seperti menyetir sendiri (auto-pilot) serta memarkir sendiri (auto-valet), tanpa intervensi manusia sama sekali. Setelah diparkir, mobil bisa dipanggil oleh pengemudi lewat smartphone.
"Kita akan melihat masa depan yang dipenuhi mobil otomatis, robot, dan drone yang bisa melihat dan belajar dengan kecerdasan yang luar biasa," kata CEO Nvidia Jen-Hsun Huang.
Adapun Drive CX adalah sistem komputer yang mendukung aneka tampilan grafis untuk keperluan navigasi, infotainment, instrumen digital, serta monitoring pengemudi.
Chip Tegra X1 yang tertanam di Drive PX dan CX diklaim memiliki kinerja luar biasa dengan kemampuan komputasi lebih dari 1 teraflops. Chip 64-bit dengan 256 CPU core dan pengolah grafis Maxwell ini dibekali program yang bisa mengenali aneka obyek di jalan, seperti rambu-rambu,speed camera, hingga pejalan kaki.
Nvidia's Drive PX 2 is a Super Computer For Self Driving Cars
In order to build self-driving cars, manufacturers need to incorporate three components: software, supercomputers, and deep learning. Building a self-driving car is hard, said Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang during a CES 2016 keynote address. To help manufacturers build a self-driving car, Huang unveiled a new platform that delivers the computational ability of roughly 150 MacBook Pros.
Called the Nvidia Drive PX 2, the platform consists of 12 CPU cores built on a 16nm FinFET architecture, four chips with Pascal GPUs, and eight teraflops worth of processing power. So how powerful is this? Huang said that the Drive PX 2 requires water-cooling to ensure that it doesn't overheat and can perform in any condition and under any environment. The first company to deliver cars with Drive PX 2 will be Volvo, and Nvidia says that more partners will follow.
The reference platform that Nvidia created is called the Nvidia Drivenet. It has nine inception layers, which is nine deep nested neural networks. This is comprised of 37 million neurons. Nvidia is training the network to perceive the things in the world. The network has to be able to recognize things in real-time, and Huang provided examples such as Shazam that can identify songs, and Google's and Microsoft's image recognition software.
Sayang, meski terdengar canggih, masih belum diketahui pabrikan otomotif mana saja yang berminat memakai platform Drive PX dan CX selain Volvo yang terlibat dalam riset. Belum jelas pula kapan produk mobil otomatis ala Nvidia akan memasuki pasaran.
Sumber: Nvidia Auto Pilot Car Computer

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